The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Class and status
Poynter, R. & McGuire, R. 1991
‘The archaeology of inequality: material culture, domination and resistence’, in R. Poynter and R. McGuire (eds) The Archaeology of Inequality, Oxford: Blackwell, 1-27.
Rawnsley, S. & Reynolds, J. 1977
Undercliffe Cemetery, Bradford’, History Workshop, 4, 215-221.
Richardson, R. 1987
Death, Dissection and the Destitute, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Rosenow, M. 2015
Death and Dying in the Working Class, 1865-1920, Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Smith, D. 2018
‘Migration, death and conspicuous redistribution in Southeastern Nigeria’, in A. C. G. M. Robben (ed.) (2018) A Companion to the Anthropology of Death, John Wiley & Sons, 71-83.
Stangl, P. 2007
‘Revolutionaries’ cemeteries in Berlin: memory, history, place and space,’ Urban History, 345, 3, 407-426.
Strange, J-M. 2005
Death, Grief and Poverty in Britain, 1870-1914, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Strange, J-M. 2003
‘Only a pauper whom nobody owns: reassessing the pauper grave, c. 1880-1914’, Past and Present, 178, 148-175.
Strange, J-M. 2003
‘“Tho’ lost to sight, to memory dear”: pragmatism, sentimentality and working-class attitudes towards the grave, c. 1875-1914’, Mortality, 8:2, 144-159.
Strange, J-M. 2002
“She cried a very little”: death, grief and mourning in working-class culture’, Social History, 27, 2, 143-161.
Streb, C. 2017
‘Modern class society in the making: evidence from Palatinate gravestones of the nineteenth century’, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 21: 240-76.
Tyson, N. 1993
‘Candie Cemetery and its monuments: death and self-presentation in 19th century St Peter Port, Guernsey’, Societé Guernestaine Report and Transactions, 23, 3, 599-626.