Burial grounds: African-American

Burg, S. 2008

‘From troubled ground to common ground: the Locust Grove African-American Cemetery Restoration Project: a case study of service learning and community history’, The Public Historian, 30:2, 51-82.

Burg, S. 2023

‘The material culture of Pennsylvania’s African American cemeteries and burial grounds’, Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, 90:4, 542-585.

Cunningham, A. 2024

‘Postmortem racialization: reconceptualizing Frantz Fanon’s Black subject, Transforming Anthropology, 32:1, 27-38.

Jamieson, R.W. 1995

‘Material culture and social death: African-American burial practices’, Historical Archaeology, 29: 39-58.

King, C. 2010

‘Separated by death and color: the African American cemetery of New Philadelphia, Illinois’, Historical Archaeology, 44:1, 125-137.

Lowry, S. 2023

‘An ethical framework for geophysical survey in historic Black cemeteries’, Archaeological Prespection, 31, 419-428.

Matternes, H. & Richey, S. 2014

‘I cry “I am” for all to hear me: the informal cemetery in central Georgia’, in A. Ogundaran & P. Saunders (eds) Natural Expressions of African Disapora, Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 258-279.

Rainville, L. 2014

Hidden History: African American Cemeteries in Central Virginia, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

Rainville, L. 2009

‘Protecting our shared heritage in African-American cemeteries’ Journal of Field Archaeology, 34: 2, 196-206.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract