The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Burial at sea
Baker, C., Menzel Baker, S. & Gentry, J. 2016
‘The role of body disposition in making sense of life and death’ in S. Dobscha (ed.) Death in a Consumer Culture, London: Routledge, 213-227.
Chan, Y. 2019
‘Return to nature? Secularism and politics of death space in Hong Kong’, in Selin, H. & Rakoff, R. (eds) Death and Dying Across Cultures: Death and Dying in Non-Western Cultures, Cham: Springer Nature, 57-74.
Pollard, T. 1999
‘The drowned and the saved: archaeological perspectives on the sea as grave’, in J. Downes & T. Pollard (eds) The Loved Body’s Corruption: Archaeological Contributions to the Study of Human Mortality, Glasgow: Cruithne Press, 30-51.
Robertson, J. 2017
‘Sea-changed: Felicia Hemans and burial at sea in the 19th century imaginary’, Gothic Stories, 19:2.
Stewart, D. 2005
‘Burial at sea: separating and placing the dead during the age of sail’, Mortality, 10:4, 276-285.