Biographical recovery: Commuity

Davey Smith, G., Carroll, D., Rankin, S. & Rowan, D. 1992

‘Socioeconomic differentials in mortality: evidence from Glasgow graveyards’, British Medical Journal, 305: 6868, 1554-1557.

Foster, G. & Hummel, R. 1995

‘The Adkins-Woodson Cemetery: a sociological examination of cemeteries as communities’, Markers, 11, 93-117.

Foster, G., Hummel, R. & Adamchak, D. 1998

‘Patterns of conception, natality and mortality from Midwestern cemeteries: a sociological analysis of historical data’, Socoiological Quarterly, 39:3, 473-489.

Heilen, M. (ed.) 2012

Uncovering Identity in Mortuary Analysis: Community-sensitive Methods for Identifying Group Affiliation in Historic Cemeteries, Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Kang-Auger, S, Kang-Auger, M., Kang-Auger, G. & 2 others 2021

‘Tombstone size and life expectancy: a cross-sectional analysis of cemetery data before the turn of the century’, European Journal of Epidemiology, 36:12, 1219-1223.

Muller, S., Burke, H., De Leiuen, C. & 2 others 2019

‘“Childness”’: an alternative approach to the archaeology of childhood through cemetery studies’, Religions, 10: 8, 451.

Stricklin, D. 2015

‘Bringing the dead back to live: reconstructing cemetery burial registers’, in D. Dumitran & M. Rotor (eds) Places of Memory: Cemeteries and Funeral Practices throughout the Time, Alba Iulia: Annalis Universitatis Apulensis, 215-234.

University of Leicester Graveyards Group 1 2012

‘Frail memories: is the commemorated population representative of the buried population?’ Post-Medieval Archaeology, 46:1, 166-195.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract