
Molnár, A., Takács, A., Mizsei, E. & 3 others 2017

‘Religous difference affecting orchid diversity of Albanian graveyards’, Pakistani Journal of Botany, 49:1, 289-303.


Morelli, F., Mikula, P., Benedetti, Y. & 2 others 2018

‘Cemeteries support avian diversity likewise urban parks in European cities: assessing taxonomic, evolutionary and functional diversity’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 36: 90-99.


Nowińska, R., Czarna, A. and Kozłowska, M. 2020

‘Cemetery types and the biodiversity of vascular plants–A case study from south-eastern Poland’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 49, 126599.


Quinton, J., Duinker, P., Gallant & 2 others 2019

‘To tree or not to tree: user management perspectives of cemetery trees’, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 43, 126385.

Rahmonov, O., Jędrzejko, K., & Majgier, L. 2010

‘The secondary succession in the area of abandoned cemeteries in Northern Poland’ in M. Barancokove, J. Krajci, J. Kollar & I. Belcakova (eds) Landscape Ecology: Methods, Applications and Interdisciplinary Approach, Bratslavia: Institute of Landscape Ecology, 647-57.

Smith, A. & Minor, E. 2019

‘Chicago’s urban cemeteries as habitats for cavity-nesting birds’, Sustainability, 11, 3258.


Tryjanowski, P., Morelli, F., Mikula, P. & 5 others 2017

‘Biodiversity in urban green space: a large-scale analysis of differences between parks and cemeteries in Central Europe’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 27: 264-71.


Vilaseñor, N. & Escobar, M. 2019

‘Cemeteries and biodiversity conservation in cities: how do landscape and patch-level attributes influence bird diversity in urban park cemeteries?’, Urban Ecosystems, 22:6, 1037-1046.


Yılmaz, H., Kuşak, B., & Akkemik, Ü. 2018

‘The role of Aşiyou Cemetery (İstanbul) as a green urban space from an ecological perspective and its importance in urban plant diversity’, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 33, 92-98.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract